I write to a blind audience who doesn't know me and will never have to. They pick and choose whether or not there's wisdom in the experiences I write about and are welcome to offer the solace of their own if they find it applies. Response from total strangers have always been the most eye-opening and provocative in the writing all these years, and I welcome it. I'm trying, still trying, to be an important part of the world.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
I'm bored. And in withdrawal. And frustrated. And lonely. And confused.
I am on the computer on a cold Christmas Eve, spending money that I don't have yet on books that contain knowledge I didn't learn in college and should have. Like drafting, interior design and film. Very expensive books. Also, spending the Eve working at Olivia Village, and NOT at home, with my dog, watching movies while waiting for Santa [who I hear DOES NOT exist]. Sigh. But I am glad I am not at home with my brother. He is irrationally violent when he is angry. And it pisses me off.
Anyway, I'm pretty excited about learning to do these things. I'm also excited about the difference in my style of drawing. It's a lot easier now. And it just flows, without being too derivitive and without being too overdone or underdeveloped. So now, I can be comfortable with expanding to the other aspects of the craft like landscape, architecture, interior design, color and all of that cool stuff. I really hate being entry-level. How the hell am I supposed to get experience? I looked around online for chapters of the IATSE and the Art Directors Guild and found that they don't really seem to be taking people under their wing to learn the craft of production design. I don't know how to do this.
I also feel like my parents don't understand what I am trying to do. I show my mom my sketches and drawings from Rome and she says to me, "so you don't do faces anymore?" WHAT THE HELL. Firstly, portraits are the EASIEST things to do; takes about five minutes to do a decent one. I just wish that the people whose opinions I want to know didn't have such a limited, overclassical view on the art world. There's more to it than portraits and paintings. I've moved passed it. I know I can do those things...and so I'm moving on to learn more.
So I can get out of here again. And become something.
And that's where I am.
Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
America the Beautiful

But the moment Roma leaves the big picture, the problems begin to snowball. An explosion in
Some good things. At the Days Inn, I watched MTV as I sorted through my luggage to rearrange and reassess travel damage. Luckily, before I left the airplane, I stole one of those socks/toothbrush packs to replace what I threw away in
PS. These snow-topped mountains are so beautiful. And I already can't stand my brother, had to say.
Saturday, December 10, 2005

So, I'm at school using the Wi-Fi for the last time from Rome. The Penn State gang (above) posed for this picture last night before we all went out to a great party and then a club. We're all ready to come home and be Americans again.
Rome has been beyond amazing. I can't possibly articulate how thankful I am that we had this opportunity and so happy to be able to say, "I lived in Rome." I was here.
Tomorrow, I go home. But today, after an awesome night at the Architecture house party and then Lost & Found, I'm ready to spend a day alone walking the city, getting ready to face these people for the last time at a great Last Supper at some Italian restaurant and possibly some good ol' Karaoke.
This is Donelisio D'Aguillo broadcasting from Rome, Italy....over and out.
Current Music: The Long Day Is Over, Norah Jones
Friday, December 02, 2005
Kate and Brendan are going to move to
People will have graduated when I return.
We’re leaving
And this spring is the time for my generation to graduate. Class of 2006 will leave me behind.
So I am sitting here writing this entry bathed in the harsh fluorescent lights of a drawing room that overlooks the
Monday, November 28, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Give Thanks

Monday, November 21, 2005
Italy's Finest: Venice & Florence

1) A great Saturday night. : )
2) Getting lost in
3) Feeding (and getting attacked by) pigeons at Piazza San Marco’s.
4) Window shopping at antiques places, glass places, mask stores and food markets.
5) The gondolas parked along the canals.
6) The blue sky and the sparkling water.
7) Not paying for a hotel room and instead pay
ing for expensive but well-worth it Italian dinners.
8) Train rides from place to place.
9) The enormity of
10) Il Duomo.
11) Drunk in
12) Coming home to
I can’t even begin to describe these experiences in this way. Pictures tell thousands more words; but I guess you can never really understand [or care about] what happened here.
Its ok.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Things & Other Things

Craig’s birthday party was amazing; Selena put together the entire shindig and it was a surprise after all. I felt really bad pretending that his birthday was no big deal, but the payoff was amazing. We were able to cramp over 30 people into Selena’s apartment, and the food was absolutely amazing.
Money is vastly becoming very short, and there’s still so much of
Wednesday: ot bused to and from the club, with entrance and a free drink. Cat got a little*** sick and went home early, but the night went fine. It was a pretty big group, as normal, but some of the people who didn’t normally go out were out that night. The next day, Kris and I went around on an impromptu excursion to the find the catacombs, but it worked out that we did everything but. It was amazing regardless, having seen San Giovanni and the
Thursday/Friday: The second drink & draw event at Susannah’s was just ridiculous in that within the first five minutes (without having had a single drop to drink) I manage to spill RED wine all over the front of my WHITE shirt. After that came several rounds (and bottles) of wine and beer, a ton of drawings and drunken pictionary and mad libs on the wall, and finally Jim & I crashing at their place til morning because of the lucky combination of laziness to go and drunkenness to find our way home. The morning found us at the nearest bar that would serve coffee early in the morning, still a little tipsy but still having fun failing at functional Italian and pissing off the woman at the counter nonetheless.
Saturday: Viterbo & Villa Lante were absolutely beautiful. Just amazing. Lucy the Italian teacher was not there (though we kept making jokes that we would find her) but these little towns are perfect remnants of the Italian past. Medieval structures, old churches, run down buildings and streets and a population of unassuming people tired of reconciling the slow and mundane everyday with the constant bustle of the tourism made the experience interesting and ultimately satifsfying. Great pictures from here.
Sunday: Our awesome picnic at Borghese at Piazza di Sienna was a great Roman experience; Mike joined our group as we ate food everyone brought on a surprisingly gorgeous day in the middle of the field where we proceeded to throw around a tin lid that we tried to pass for a Frisbee because we had none (it worked for aw hile) and was quickly replaced by plastic plates adhered together by chocolate paste (fashioned by Mike). We then decided to buy a soccer ball and Calcio it up with some local kids around the age of five or so. They were hilarious. The one obviously had his Sunday clothes on and kept making his mom wait while he finished up our game. It was a pretty even match seeing as how it was the Asians [and Catherine] versus the rest of the group, with two of the Italian kids each on teams. That was a great Sunday afternoon, followed by a great time back at the studio, not before witnessing some of the late Sunday inline skaters at the bridge at the park as Jim & I headed back.
Fuck. I am going to miss Rome SO MUCH. This is ridiculous. And this is home.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
All Saints

Last weekend was hilarious. We went ot Botticelli’s where Cat’s friend went and they posted up a A little afterwards, a slew of Filipinos came in and I got to meet some of the people our age who actually seemed really cool and eager to meet the Americans. Then we hit up Piazza Navona, where the girls rode Mike’s bike around the cobblestone streets while I tried to make conversation and practice my Italian with a whole bunch of willing and considerate [and drunk] Italian people. In Piazza Navona. At 3 in the morning. In
Mass was great again this week. Some of the most beautiful music came from that Tagalog choir, singing both in English and Tagalog. I think my faith is very slowly being restored through the celebration of mass by the Filipini di Roma at Santa Pudenzia, my new Catholic Church while I’m here. It is absolutely gorgeous and before and after masses they congregate in the main plaza while basketball happens at the courts. The sisters were really nice, and one of the girls came onto me, but decided I was too young.
Problem one: I don’t speak tagalog very well, and Italian even less. Problem two: The younger ones speak one language: Italian. That’s right. So they don’t even speak tagalog, which I can understand. So there’s a standing discrepancy in communication with the people my own age, but talking to all the adults were easy because they know English thoroughly. Anyway, the church is beautiful and the people were really nice and it is a great place to call home here. No invitations to houses for food yet though.
This Halloween was absolutely ridiculous. Dressed up as a Raphael (the turtle, not the painter) because I didn’t have purple electrical tape to be Donny…we went out to the Supper Club, a multi-room club with hot music, but it was crowded as hell. Met Joe, yet another Filipino but he wanted to hang out some time and have me meet some others in the city while I’m here. I think it is an invitation for some good old flip food too. That would be amazing. Anyway, the festivities were done up American style by our crew, but when we approached the club, we found Italians who dressed with like upscale masks but were still all about looking slick and like they belonged there.
So we were a little out of place, especially me, the ninja turtle, with my ghetto-ass electrical tape bandana thing. Whatever, it was awesome. We Halloween’d it up Roma style…
Hmmm…after having read this again, I found out that I am a TERRIBLE writer. Ciao.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Worried Again

Wow how confusing. And consuming. So I can never get to sleep at night because I have so many thoughts. I don’t do the to-do-lists anymore, which is a mistake. I don’t write down homework anymore, which is a mistake. I don’t really care anymore, which is the biggest mistake. And now, it’s beginning to bite me in the ass because its haunting me at night when I have nothing else to do but lay in the darkness and not be tired when the rest of
There is so much to do still here. And time is running out. It is sad. And when I get home I have things waiting for me. Teaching. Job. Parents. Place to live. Resident Assistantship. Thesis. Second degree black belt. School. PSFA. Trips. Life.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
They're Back, and Now I'm Back
Anyway. I am a little tired. It is 6:02 am here in Rome. People have just begun to come home from their trips abroad, and I am getting tired of being so damn alone. We watched the Tianjin Chinese Orchestra last night and tonight we watched the Amityville Horror here and now I am sitting through the morning updating things and being unproductively productive. I know I am not making sense, but that is partly the hour and partly the amounts of white wine I have had to drink. Oh, and also i called my mommy and daddy. They are happy that I am happy and asked if a) I still have money and b) If I am eating enough. I said yes to both.
I miss my dog. And I miss KFC. And I miss the ability to drive and also the 24 hour studios. And I miss all of you. But I am going to purchase tickets to see the SHAOLIN MONKS live here in Rome on their tour; I am NOT however going to see the ROME LAZIO soccer match tomorrow. I hear its big. I need a fucking haircut. My sideburns are getting long and obnoxious. And a mullet [though socially accepted and i think actually preferred here] is resulting from my not getting a haircut in a long time and the accelerated growth of the hair on the back of my head. weird. or wierd. Not sure.
But I am happy. And not alone anymore.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
...but i kinda feel like a dork. Oh well. Most people will never have this opportunity.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Solo Strong

Today though I left the apartment lazily at around
And so my break begins, after several long weeks of adjustment and torment and confusion about more than just the city. I am contemplating life back in the states when I get there but at the same time, how I am going to make this semester more memorable than it has already been. There are a lot of responsibilities waiting for me back at home, but especially now, sitting in these squares and not needing anything else to do but time to pass and pages to turn, I feel so free and wonderful.
P.S. I got my wings and beer where? A place none other than our very own Hard Rock Café,
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I Am Here

The past weeks have been quite an experience. On a daily basis, even though I have to fight to open my eyes and wake up, it doesn't take much to remind myself that I am waking to a Roman morning. The sound of urban chaos and the smell of morning coffee fills my first minutes, but a stretch and falling out of bed usually does the trick. Everyday I find myself loving this city more and more, but quite oppositely I see even more challenges that i have to consider. The porters in charge of the residents for example. They don't really seem to like us. I don't know why that is.

I draw lots of things now. Everything actually. For the first time in a long time, I carry my sketchbook around and I look at things a lot differently and I see my friends every day and I find inspiration in the work I see in the studio and in the work that's been sitting around for thousands of years and I try to tell myself that I belong here and when I do that I just feel like an insect among gods...so small. I love it and even so, it makes me sad that I will have to go away eventually and not call this place home anymore. Something about being lost makes me feel so comfortable. Being lost and not knowing what to do or even not having anything to do just makes me feel free beyond any freedom I have ever felt.

Yesterday, I woke up and sunlight sifted through the shades of the windows into the room, leaving beams of light that illuminated the space in a bluish hazy glow. It was amazing. Rome is amazing.
I miss my doggy beagle puppy. And I miss my family and friends. And Denny's and KFC and American Pizza. And I love "the perks of being a wallflower." Zoller - you're right it is my kind of book. You know me too well.

Earth-Shattering Revelation #17: The World Will Never Be The Same.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Rome = Home

approach from the air, the patchwork of the British countryside and then the
Settling in has been incredibly interesting, and even though I haven’t really yet, I am extremely excited to start classes and begin working and seeing the city. So far, our orientation activities have taken us to closeby areas of the city, we’ve seen the trionfale market, the Tiber River (Tevere) and even such places as the Piazza di Spagna and the Spanish Steps, the Piazza Navona and our Temple Campus, where the Dean knows NO ITALIAN and has managed to retain the South Dakota accent all these years here. That pretty much gave me an idea of what I am to expect from the program, but this experience, which has already changed my life in many ways, will be as fun and rewarding as I make it. I almost forgot to mention walking into the
HUGE Filipino community here. Hopefully, I can get in and get fed. Soon. J
So, I am going to do as the Romans do (whatever that means). But I am still looking for a damn Wal-Mart.
Earth-Shattering Revelation: The Euro is hella more powerful than the American Dollar. It is MAD expensive over here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
The Time There Is
RA training has also begun, and I met the new kid who lives in my former room. He's cool. I approve. I miss those people though. And I also have all this stuff with PSFA to get done or at least started before I go. I hope things go well. Speaking of which, there are a whole lot of people I will miss, but very limited amounts of time to hang out before I go because I have to spend that time with my parents at the building. Hope I get to do everything I want to do and see the people I want to see in the time that I have. I hope.
P.S. This is the new teaser poster for X-Men 3. I soiled myself when I saw this.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Something Old, Something New, Part III

On Monday, we went to this place called Galena. It's one of those Midwest towns where shops line the streets, people are everywhere, and it's kind of in this century but not (mostly because of all of the antique shops). It was a great day and we saw a lot of old, cool things. But what was most impressive was our trip to Vinny Vannucchi's Italian Restaurant. Best Italian food I have ever had. Ever. Ever in my whole life. Period. Oh man. Getting hungry again.