I write to a blind audience who doesn't know me and will never have to. They pick and choose whether or not there's wisdom in the experiences I write about and are welcome to offer the solace of their own if they find it applies. Response from total strangers have always been the most eye-opening and provocative in the writing all these years, and I welcome it. I'm trying, still trying, to be an important part of the world.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
I'm bored. And in withdrawal. And frustrated. And lonely. And confused.
I am on the computer on a cold Christmas Eve, spending money that I don't have yet on books that contain knowledge I didn't learn in college and should have. Like drafting, interior design and film. Very expensive books. Also, spending the Eve working at Olivia Village, and NOT at home, with my dog, watching movies while waiting for Santa [who I hear DOES NOT exist]. Sigh. But I am glad I am not at home with my brother. He is irrationally violent when he is angry. And it pisses me off.
Anyway, I'm pretty excited about learning to do these things. I'm also excited about the difference in my style of drawing. It's a lot easier now. And it just flows, without being too derivitive and without being too overdone or underdeveloped. So now, I can be comfortable with expanding to the other aspects of the craft like landscape, architecture, interior design, color and all of that cool stuff. I really hate being entry-level. How the hell am I supposed to get experience? I looked around online for chapters of the IATSE and the Art Directors Guild and found that they don't really seem to be taking people under their wing to learn the craft of production design. I don't know how to do this.
I also feel like my parents don't understand what I am trying to do. I show my mom my sketches and drawings from Rome and she says to me, "so you don't do faces anymore?" WHAT THE HELL. Firstly, portraits are the EASIEST things to do; takes about five minutes to do a decent one. I just wish that the people whose opinions I want to know didn't have such a limited, overclassical view on the art world. There's more to it than portraits and paintings. I've moved passed it. I know I can do those things...and so I'm moving on to learn more.
So I can get out of here again. And become something.
And that's where I am.
Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
America the Beautiful

But the moment Roma leaves the big picture, the problems begin to snowball. An explosion in
Some good things. At the Days Inn, I watched MTV as I sorted through my luggage to rearrange and reassess travel damage. Luckily, before I left the airplane, I stole one of those socks/toothbrush packs to replace what I threw away in
PS. These snow-topped mountains are so beautiful. And I already can't stand my brother, had to say.
Saturday, December 10, 2005

So, I'm at school using the Wi-Fi for the last time from Rome. The Penn State gang (above) posed for this picture last night before we all went out to a great party and then a club. We're all ready to come home and be Americans again.
Rome has been beyond amazing. I can't possibly articulate how thankful I am that we had this opportunity and so happy to be able to say, "I lived in Rome." I was here.
Tomorrow, I go home. But today, after an awesome night at the Architecture house party and then Lost & Found, I'm ready to spend a day alone walking the city, getting ready to face these people for the last time at a great Last Supper at some Italian restaurant and possibly some good ol' Karaoke.
This is Donelisio D'Aguillo broadcasting from Rome, Italy....over and out.
Current Music: The Long Day Is Over, Norah Jones
Friday, December 02, 2005
Kate and Brendan are going to move to
People will have graduated when I return.
We’re leaving
And this spring is the time for my generation to graduate. Class of 2006 will leave me behind.
So I am sitting here writing this entry bathed in the harsh fluorescent lights of a drawing room that overlooks the