Thursday, May 26, 2022

Draw the Line

Too many people woke up today to the unending nightmare that someone gunned down their child not days ago, and in this country, weeks, years and decades. I can't even imagine what that kind of existence must feel like. I don't think there's a word to describe what it it's like to have your soul ripped apart like that. Unfortunately we as a country (at least those of us who still operate with humanity) are losing energy for optimism or hope, constantly investing it all in grieving and anguish. And there's no solace for these victims' families in knowing we live in a country where nothing is ever done to make it right or better in any meaningful way.
I abhor people who say "we're the best country in the world." No we're not, we haven't been for a very long time. And even in the time we worshipped that delusion, one of the things we were actually best at was hiding our skeletons in our closets about the evils of our own society. We're not even good at that anymore; the rest of the world is either laughing at or mourning for us.
I despise people who say "let's put politics aside, and keep the peace." I can't think of a cringier, more dismissive or reductive stamp on an intrinsic aspect of someone's character. This isn't peace. This is a plague, and one worse than the apocalypse we just endured across the planet, because it's one we have the power to do something about. You're goddamn right I want to know your politics. I want to know what you stand for, what helps you sleep at night, your biases and preconceptions, what the stakes of your choices are, because I absolutely want to know if at the core of your belief system, money and power are worth the lives of innocents. I want to know if you feign common threads with me, a casual tourist in my life because it serves you somehow, or if you actually believe we can make this world a better place through the subtleties and affect of our interaction.
I'm starting to see that we've had enough. I don't feel as alone in that anger and sadness anymore. The kind that makes me feel okay to be willing to make enemies if these are the stakes, because that's what happens when you draw a line. That's what I do for a living, and I'm getting damn good at it.

Earth Shattering Revelation: Draw the line.

Current Music: Sarah McLachlan - "Prayer to Saint Francis"

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Let's Find Better Words

3 of the tritest maxims that make me cringe:
"Fake it 'til you make it."
No, I'm so tired of this one. You learn, and continue learning, until you're doing and setting an example. Then you learn the next thing. Faking something makes you a disengenuous mimic, not a curious student.
"90% of success is just showing up." Or something to that effect.
I'm so tired of this one. No, 90% is clocked field time spent in determination and skill acquisition. 90% is failures and perseverence. 90% is experimenation and risk taking. 90% is asking for help. 90% is the sleepless nights we face the mistakes we made and search a universe of stars on how to be better. The last 10% is waking up and showing up to be accountable to all that hard work you put into it. By the way I believe this was Woody Allen, so not a terribly ideal example to follow.
"I'm self-made."
Bull. No one is self-made. We are all the result of those who helped us get here. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before (whether they know it or not, whether they like it or not), who inspired us through ages, pages or stages, who checked in when we were down, who saw something in us, who challenged our flaws, and refused to reaffirm our insecurities.
There are countless more for me. What are your cringeworthy lines?
My point is, let's find better words.

Earth Shattering Revelation: Find Better Words
Music: Heartbreak Anniversary [Giveon]