Friday, July 25, 2008

Never Enough...

...Shade in the deepest reaches of a forest from the harsh, bright summer sun.
Thoughts and voices in your head to keep you from really listening.
Words to describe someone’s anguish, solace, misery or sorrow.
Time to sit, breath, listen, speak, wait, grow, learn, or become.
Plans to be made and broken, promises you forget to keep.
Truth in the world to mend the destruction of a single lie.
Change to make things really, truly or ultimately better.
Distance between people, truly destined to be together.
Jokes can be made to keep the laughter from stopping.
Reflection to make the mirror show you the true self.
People in the crowd to make the loneliness go away.
Breaths to catch when you’re calming the madness.
Hours in even the longest and most trying of days.
Justifications that prove it really isn’t your fault.
Prayers to keep your darkest demons at bay.
Voices to keep whispered secrets quiet.
Music heard beyond the noise of life.
Destinies driven by your memories.
Fear of the things you can’t help.
Shards of one’s broken heart.
To keep them from leaving.
Moments to really live.
Tears to wash away.
Stars in the sky.

To be truly sated with any of these things, is to know ancient truths about existence, to resolve the epic struggle between the heart and the mind. It’s not possible. And if it is, please tell me how. I would really like to know. If you got the time.

But in the meantime, I will keep following the fire in the sky…and THAT, my friends, will always have to be enough.

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