Something Old, Something New, Part II
K. So I didn't fuck up. A lot. In fact, I think they rather liked my reverend-ness at the ceremony. Before the ceremony, we had prepared our nerves with some supplement. I, with the power bestowed upon me by the ULC and the state of Iowa, blessed the Coronas we had stored in our ghetto cooler in the tub and consecrated it as holy wine. And we drank.

It calmed us as we waited for the hotel picures to get finished shooting. And aferwards, off we went to the Arboretum for the ceremony. It was fantastic. And beautiful. And perfect. And simple. And fun. All of the stress leading up to the event was worth it. I h
ad a great time being nervous, but getting up in front of those people and realizing the high potential of bursting out in laughter with the two of them was overwhelming. I had a great time watching Ben & Audra getting nervous though. However, fortunately the expectations we had of the four different families coming together for the wedding were in real explosions, no confrontations, just a quiet recognition of two people very much in love.
Eagle Point Park, the location for the rehearsal dinner/picnic was awesome. With a grand view of the Mississippi River at the intersection of three different states, and an obnoxious amount of delicious barbeque food, we had a great time with friends from all over the country as well as their families. But the wedding was in question; the weather was ominous and dark, having threatened rain in the wee hours before the ceremony was to begin. But when the pictures were done, and the wedding party was ready to march down the aisle, the skies yielded and onward we went. The harps played Pachelbel Canon in D, the flower girls marched with their baskets and I stood there with Ben in front of the Gazebo, watched by all of these people, waiting for the Bride to arrive. And arrive she did. They looked so happy, in that I-Can't-Believe-It-We're-Actually-Doing-This-But-I-Am-So-Happy-We-Are-and-I-Am-So-Exhausted-And-Ready-to-Party way, as I began the ceremony and recited the words we wrote together. They said their vows, and proceeded to execute their Hollywood kiss for the audience. It was awesome.
The ceremony was smooth, short and sweet. :) And then Ben complained about the thousands of pictures that were taken after the ceremony. But the Arboretum was a location the photographer (nor I) could pass up. So we went crazy with the cameras.
The reception was held at the Clarke College Atrium, a grand glass-enclosed reception hall with a staircase, a fountain and columns that surround the dining space. The food was beyond belief. The music resounded. And man oh man, did I get a buzz going.
But the reception was anything but smooth. At the beginning. The lady Audra had commissioned to create the wedding cake (I swear to GOD that she was the same lady as the psychic in the movie Poltergeist) came to the reception, as we were eating, to cut the cake. What she DID NOT reali
ze was that her cake looked like severe ASS and was not going to be cut and served. She had a cow when she was told about her cake, but Sarah, Audra's awesome sister and the matron of honor, chewed her out royally. Poltergeist lady threw a hissy fit and dumped her cake in the trashcan, storming out of the reception and that was that. The rest of the reception involved my consumption of whiskey sours, rum and cokes, miller lights, heineken, white zins and a WHOLE lot of dancing. I made a toast. I sang a song. We danced. And we celebrated the marriage of two very good friends throughout the night.
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